Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Class 14 of the summer... and off to the wedding


I'm hoping it won't be confusing as I track two sets of class counts - one is the classes taken over the summer... the other is a 30 day challenge starting when I return from my mom's wedding next week.

Yesterday's class was in my yoga closet. The temp started out at ninety something and was up to 100 for the standing balancing poses. I'm really taking note of the dialog as I practice. There are many places where I notice "natural human traction" in the spine as Bikram "calls" it out in the instructions. I'm getting the sense of how the dialog goes. There are many key phrases that are used in multiple postures. So I can count my class yesterday as a mini memorization session. It's not exactly poring over the dialog, but every bit helps.

I continue to feel frustrated by my inability to balance in the standing balancing postures but I'm trying not to let it phase me. I also tried to last through two sets of camel posture holding the pose the entire time. That's well over a minute in that difficult pose. It's one of my favorites, my back is very flexible.

The forward crunching poses - not so much. They're difficult for me. Rabbit especially.

So we're off to my mom's wedding this weekend, where hubby and I will be performing a song at the reception, to accompany my mom's first dance. The ceremony will be beautiful I'm sure, it's a Taize service (lots of beautiful non-denominational singing), and a doo-wop band for the reception. I've programmed an ipod to fill in the gaps.

Should be a blast! And it's yoga intensive when I return...

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