Thursday, July 16, 2009

Rockstar Yoga 51, 52, 53

51: Home practice. After getting past last weekend I'm practicing on cloud nine. Did a good hard home practice Tuesday after work.

52: Home practice. Yesterday I worked in the morning ran home grabbed a class before a meeting with client and then to Bruno. It was a great day. I worked hard and consistently. I think I skipped out on Triangle though.

53: This morning back in the studio was a fabulous class. I am apparently lifting my back leg too high in balancing stick and it's one of the factors in my falling over so much. Something new to work with. I worked really hard, turned the mats sideways so I could check out my triangle. I still have to go down to a place that feels really "not ok" wibbly wobbly to set up the pose. Continuing to work on it!

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